Water naturally cleanses the teeth, washes away acids, and provides systemic fluoride for healthy tooth development and bone strength.
Nobody likes having cavities. They hurt, impact the way your smile looks, and can really get in the way of your schedule when you need to have them fixed.
Is There One Right Way to Avoid Cavities?
Good lifestyle choices affect the health of your body, and they also affect the health of your teeth. There are typically two main causes of cavities: diet and hygiene.
Your Teeth Are What You…Drink?
If you avoid candy because you don’t want cavities, and find yourself still getting them, it may actually have more to do with what you’re drinking during the day. Things you might not think are bad for your teeth may actually be doing a lot of harm. For instance, diet sodas, fruit juices, and sweetened coffee or tea (even with artificial sweeteners) have acidic pH levels or sugars that create active acidic bacteria inside of your mouth.
Because these are in a liquid form, it coats all surfaces of the teeth – especially between the teeth or deep in pits and grooves. Water naturally cleanses the teeth, washes away acids, and provides systemic fluoride for healthy tooth development and bone strength. When you’re between meals, choose to sip on water instead of something else all afternoon. Other types of drinks should be kept to mealtime, and only in moderation.
Mouthwash Isn’t the Answer
You can’t keep your teeth free of cavity-forming bacteria unless you physically remove it. These bacteria are sticky and will calcify onto the tooth if not thoroughly removed within 24 hours. People will do everything they can think of to not have to floss, but unfortunately it’s one of those things that is absolutely necessary to clean in between the teeth. Otherwise even the best toothbrushing won’t be enough, since cavities love to begin forming between the teeth.
A small cavity can easily progress into a tooth that needs a crown or even a root canal a few months later. Don’t put off dental care when it’s smaller and easier to correct. Call us right away if you’re experiencing any type of sensitivity or discomfort.