Are dental difficulties making your smile less than sensational? Here are some of the common dental issues that people call us about, and easy ways to treat or prevent them from happening.
Broken Teeth

Visiting us every six months is the best way to keep a healthy smile!
Getting tooth decay treated early or wearing a sport guard during athletic activities can reduce your risk of broken teeth; but what happens if a tooth breaks when you’re not expecting it?
If possible find the portion of your broken tooth and place it into a cup of milk, then call our office right away. Getting care as quickly as possible can help us restore your tooth and perhaps even bond the broken piece back into place.
Crooked Teeth
Crooked teeth can be completely natural for some people, or caused by premature tooth loss and change in eruption patterns. For best results, talk to us about orthodontic therapy or space maintenance as the other teeth are erupting into place. Even adults can benefit from braces, which reduce your risk of cavities, gum disease and abnormal tooth wear.
Dark and Discol[o]red Enamel
The fastest and most effective way to whiten your teeth is with a professional treatment — either in-office or custom whitening trays. Most stains build up over time, but significant staining that seems to be happening in only one tooth may be a sign something is wrong with the nerve.
Wisdom Tooth Pain
Pain from wisdom teeth can come and go. It is often due to lack of room in the jaws for the tooth to erupt, or the wisdom teeth impacting themselves against the next tooth. If pain relievers and a compress don’t help, you may need to have the tooth removed to prevent additional problems from forming. We’ll take an X-ray to evaluate the teeth to give you more answers.
Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums are a sign of gingivitis and the more advanced form of gum disease — periodontitis. If flossing twice a day for two weeks does not reverse the problem, we may need to complete a deep cleaning to remove the calcified tartar that is contributing to the chronic infection. After the deep cleaning, maintaining good oral hygiene will help the symptoms reverse in a timely manner.
Visiting us every six months is the best way to avoid dental issues and keep a healthy smile!