Just like a patch on a pair of jeans, fillings can begin to wear out. Knowing when to replace them can keep your underlying tooth as healthy as possible, and limit the size of the filling that is taking its place. Here are 3 signs to look for when you think it might be time […]
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Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings that are placed over the deep pits and grooves of your molars. By sealing off these deep crevices, it makes it easier to keep your teeth clean and also blocks out acids and bacteria that cause tooth decay. Dental sealants: Take only a few minutes to apply Are typically […]
Continue Reading »When is it okay to wait for that root canal? Your dentist just told you that you needed a root canal. Maybe you don’t feel like the tooth even hurts. Are you starting to wonder if there’s a need to hurry up and complete the treatment as soon as it’s recommended? If so, you’re not […]
Continue Reading »Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling with bad breath? If so, you’ve most likely tried everything – brushing your teeth better, breath mints and mouth washes. Chances are your bad breath keeps coming back, no matter how thoroughly you’re trying to brush. Why is that, and what else is there left to do? First, […]
Continue Reading »3 Ways a Whiter Smile Can Help You might have always thought of teeth whitening as something that seemed unnecessary or vain, but there are several reasons why it can benefit you and help transform your smile and your life! A Whiter Smile Will Boost Your Self-Confidence Being proud of the way your teeth look […]
Continue Reading »Did you know that enamel only makes up a very small portion of your tooth? A tooth is just a tooth…or is it? Actually, your teeth are comprised of four different types of specialized tissues that work together to perform several different job roles. Basically there are three outer hard layers, and one inner material […]
Continue Reading »Most of us don’t put much thought into how we brush our teeth other than the fact that we try to do it twice each day and never run out of toothpaste. But there’s a lot more to it than just trying to brush for two minutes twice daily. A proper toothbrushing technique will: require […]
Continue Reading »Nobody likes having cavities. They hurt, impact the way your smile looks, and can really get in the way of your schedule when you need to have them fixed. Is There One Right Way to Avoid Cavities? Good lifestyle choices affect the health of your body, and they also affect the health of your teeth. […]
Continue Reading »Is your smile absolutely healthy, but you just don’t like the way it looks? Maybe you have a “gummy” smile, teeth that look shorter than normal, or irregular tooth edges that don’t create a smooth-looking appearance. If so, then you might be an ideal candidate for tooth and gum recontouring. Naturally Enhance Your Smile Tooth […]
Continue Reading »Here’s 3 reasons why… Tooth colored composite dental fillings are an excellent choice when it comes to restoring your smile. What people once considered to be a “cosmetic” treatment is now the preferred treatment method for repairing areas of tooth decay. They Look Great Composite material blends right in with the rest of your teeth. […]
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